Nordstrom Shines with a fashion-foRWARD Weather app

Ideation, Tone of Voice Development, Writing, UX Consulting for SapientRazorfish

When it comes to dressing with style, what influences your choices more than the weather? To help chic Nordy customers look great and face the clime, we created Shine: a weather app where fashion meets utility, in service of style.

As we moved from store fitting rooms into customers’ bedrooms, this project allows the brand to deliver its voice of authority within a more intimate dialogue. While Nordstrom has an established personality, they were missing a first person character to represent the brand in daily engagements. The Playful Sophisticate speaks directly to the customer, with an approachable-yet-fashionable in-app tone.

Working closely with our clients, our small team co-created this artful weather app that will help Nordstrom customers Shine—even on the darkest days. 

ABOVE: Excerpts of verbal design direction from the app’s style guide.
